@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('content')
Lease Agreement

Lease Details

Tenant Name: {{ $lease->client->owners_name ?? 'N/A' }}

Lease Start Date: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($lease->lease_start_date)->format('F j, Y') }}

Contract Type: {{ $lease->contract_type }}

Lease Duration: {{ $lease->lease_duration }} {{ $lease->contract_type === 'Daily' ? 'days' : ($lease->contract_type === 'Weekly' ? 'weeks' : ($lease->contract_type === 'Monthly' ? 'months' : 'years')) }}

Estimated End Date: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($lease->lease_start_date)->addYears($lease->contract_type === 'Yearly' ? $lease->lease_duration : 0)->addMonths($lease->contract_type === 'Monthly' ? $lease->lease_duration : 0)->addWeeks($lease->contract_type === 'Weekly' ? $lease->lease_duration : 0)->addDays($lease->contract_type === 'Daily' ? $lease->lease_duration : 0)->format('F j, Y') }}

Rent Amount: ₱{{ number_format($lease->rent_amount, 2) }}

Yearly Escalation: {{ $lease->yearly_escalation }}%

Escalation Agreement: @if ($lease->escalation == null) Escalation will start After a year @else {{ $lease->escalation - 12 }} Months after a year the escalation will start. @endif

Terms: {{ $lease->terms }}

Start of Business: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($lease->business_start)->format('F j, Y') }}

Security Deposit: ₱{{ number_format($lease->security_deposit, 2) }} {{ $lease->security_deposit_paymentmethod }} V#{{ $lease->security_deposit_voucher }}

Advance Payment: ₱{{ number_format($lease->relief_rental, 2) }} {{ $lease->relief_rental_paymentmethod }} V#{{ $lease->relief_rental_voucher }}

Additional Information

Utilities: {{ $lease->utilities }} {{ $lease->utilities_paymentmethod }} V#{{ $lease->utilities_voucher }}

Rules and Regulations: {{ $lease->rules_and_regulations }}


By signing this lease agreement, both parties acknowledge their understanding and acceptance of the terms outlined above.
