@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('content')
MGR BLDG. II, Matina Crossing, Davao City
Tel: (082)299-4103
Cell # 0910-651-1604
{{ now()->format('F d, Y') }}
{{ $lease->client->business_name }}
{{ $lease->unit->unit_name }}
{{ $lease->property->street_address }}, {{ $lease->property->city }}, {{ $lease->property->state }}, {{ $lease->property->zip }}
Sir / Madam:
This is to inform you of your unpaid monthly rentals in the total amount as shown in the computation below:
Billing No. | Description | Amount |
Billing No. {{ $payment->payment_id }} | Rent Due for ({{ $payment->payment_date->format('M d, Y') }} - {{ $dueDate->format('M d, Y') }}) | {{ number_format($escalatedAmount, 2) }} |
Electric Bill ({{ $electricPayment->start_date->format('M d, Y') }} - {{ $electricPayment->end_date->format('M d, Y') }}) | {{ number_format($electricPayment->amount, 2) }} | |
Water Bill ({{ $waterPayment->start_date->format('M d, Y') }} - {{ $waterPayment->end_date->format('M d, Y') }}) | {{ number_format($waterPayment->amount, 2) }} | |
Additional Fee: {{ $fee->notes }} | {{ number_format($fee->amount, 2) }} | @php $totalAmount += $fee->amount; @endphp|
Penalty for {{ $monthsPastDue }} month(s) past due | {{ number_format($penalty, 2) }} | |
Total Payables | {{ number_format($totalAmount, 2) }} | |
Total Advanced Payment | {{ number_format($totalPaymentsMade, 2) }} | |
Total Current Payable | {{ number_format($totaldeductedAmount, 2) }} |
It is stipulated in the Contract of Lease that in the event the LESSEE fails to pay two (2) monthly rental payments, the LESSOR is hereby authorized, and the LESSEE agrees, to padlock the leased premises without incurring any liability, civil or criminal. It must also be stated here that your security deposit with Us cannot be applied to or answer for any unpaid monthly rentals, electricity or water bills at this time.
Accordingly, We demand that you pay in cash or issue checks in the total amount as shown above on or before _________________ from receipt of this notice. Otherwise, much to our regret, We will be constrained to take appropriate action against you, which includes the possible padlocking of your premises and/or cutting off your water or electricity connection with Us, without prejudice to other further actions as may be allowed by law.
Prepared by:
Theresa G. Sabate
Admin Staff
Noted by:
Heracleo S. Roque
Received By:
Signature over Printed Name