@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('content')
Bacaca. Road
Tel. No. #######
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('F j, Y') }}
{{ $lease->client->owners_name }}
{{ $lease->unit->unit_name }}
Matina Crossing, Davao City
Sir / Madam:
As per Section III of our Contract of Lease, an escalation rate of {{ $lease->yearly_escalation }}% will be applied to your monthly rental starting {{ $nextEscalationDateFormatted }}. Your adjusted monthly rental shall now be {{ ucfirst($newRentalAmountWords) }} Only (₱{{ number_format($newRentalAmount, 2) }}) effective on the date mentioned above.
For your information.
Thank you.
Respectfully yours,
{{ $admin->admin_name }}
Admin Staff