@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('content') @php $vatAmount = 0; $withholdingTaxAmount = 0; $penalty = 0; // Calculate subtotal without penalty first $subtotal = $data->Amount + $totalElectricAmount + $totalWaterAmount + $additional; // Calculate penalty based on status // Calculate VAT if ($data->lease->client->vat === 'vat') { $vatAmount = $subtotal * 0.12; } // Calculate Withholding Tax if ($data->lease->client->w_holding_tax === 'true') { $withholdingTaxAmount = $subtotal * 0.05; } // Calculate grand total $grandTotal = $subtotal + $vatAmount - $withholdingTaxAmount; @endphp
San Roque Hermanas Inc.
MGR BLDG. II, Matina Crossing, Davao City
Email: srhimgr@yahoo.com | Tel: (082)299-4103 | Cell #: 0910-651-1604 | TIN: 006-040-261
Invoice Number: {{ $data->invoice_number }}
Invoice Date: {{ date('F j, Y', strtotime($data->payment_date)) }}
Due Date: {{ date('F j, Y', strtotime($dueDate)) }}
Bill To:
{{ $data->lease->client->owners_name }}
{{ $data->lease->property->street_address }}
{{ $data->lease->property->city }}
Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total |
Rental Amount | ₱{{ number_format($Amount, 2) }} | ||
Water Bill | ₱{{ number_format($totalWaterAmount, 2) }} | ||
Electric Bill | ₱{{ number_format($totalElectricAmount, 2) }} | ||
Additional Charges | ₱{{ number_format($additional, 2) }} | ||
Vat | ₱{{ number_format($vat, 2) }} | ||
With Holding Tax | ₱{{ number_format($withholdingTax, 2) }} | ||
Current Charges | ₱{{ number_format($data->Amount + $totalWaterAmount + $totalElectricAmount + $additional + $vat - $withholdingTax, 2) }} | ||
Total Amount Paid: | ₱{{ number_format($Amountpaid, 2) }} |
Payment Instructions:
Please make payment to the following bank account:
Bank: XYZ Bank
Account Number: 123-456-789
Account Name: San Roque Hermanas Inc.
{{ $data->billing_notes }}
Thank you for your prompt payment.
San Roque Hermanas Inc.