@extends('layouts.main-app') @section('title') @section('content') {{-- hero section --}}
Background Image

Your Reliable Partner in Supplies and Services

@foreach ($widgets as $widget) {{-- Replace with dynamic data --}}
{{-- revision --}}
{{-- Main image --}} Technical Store {{-- Thumbnail image --}} @php $thumbnails = is_string($widget->thumbnails) ? json_decode($widget->thumbnails, true) : $widget->thumbnails; $thumbnailArray = is_array($thumbnails) ? $thumbnails : [$widget->thumbnails]; @endphp
@foreach($thumbnailArray as $index => $thumb) Technical Store Thumbnail {{ $index + 1 }} @endforeach
{{ $widget->title }}
{{-- revision --}}
Background Image

Why Choose Us
Our Value and Principles

@php $cards = [ [ 'number' => '01', 'icon' => 'assets/hero-assets/efficiency-icon.webp', 'image' => 'assets/hero-assets/Effeciency-hover.webp', 'heading' => 'Reliability', 'paragraph' => 'We understand the need and requirements of our client and are able to respond quickly and effectively working as partners', ], [ 'number' => '02', 'icon' => 'assets/hero-assets/reliability-icon.webp', 'image' => 'assets/hero-assets/reliability.webp', 'heading' => 'Integrity', 'paragraph' => 'Our staff are working with ou clients and paitners to ensure we succeed in providing the best quality and reliable services.', ], [ 'number' => '03', 'icon' => 'assets/hero-assets/cost-effective-icon.webp', 'image' => 'assets/hero-assets/Cost-Effective-hover.webp', 'heading' => 'Cost Effective', 'paragraph' => 'We understand the need to be competitive. We ensure we pass the cost benefits to our clients by leveraging on our relationships with our partners and suppliers.', ], [ 'number' => '04', 'icon' => 'assets/hero-assets/simplicity-icon.webp', 'image' => 'assets/hero-assets/Simplicity-Hover.webp', 'heading' => 'Simplicity', 'paragraph' => 'We believe in keeping things simple. We are! a one stop shop for all your safetyand security requirements. Our account | management is based on providing simple answers and solutions.', ], ]; @endphp
@foreach ($cards as $index => $card) @php // Determine the group number based on the index $group = floor($index / 1); // Calculate delay: each group has a delay increment of 200ms $aosDelay = $group * 200; @endphp
Image {{ $index }}
{{ $card['number'] }}
{{ $card['heading'] }}

{{ $card['heading'] }}

{{-- awards and certifications --}}

Awards and Certifications

Background Image
@foreach ([ ['award1.webp', 'red', '50'], ['award2.webp', 'blue', '300'], ['award3.webp', 'green', '550'], ['award4.webp', 'purple', '700'], ['award5.webp', 'yellow', '950'] ] as $index => [$image, $color, $delay]) @if($index > 0) @endif
Award {{ $index + 1 }}
{{-- number counter --}}
Background Image

The Power of a human

We believe in building trust through commitment, reliability, and understanding your needs.


Products Available


Satisfied Customers


Years of Operation
A Company You Can Trust

{{-- highlights news --}}

News Highlights

{{-- news Card --}} @if($highlights->isEmpty())

No current news

@else @foreach ($highlights as $highlight)
Blog Image

{{ $highlight->title }}

{!! $highlight->description !!}

@endforeach @endif

Recent Updates & Insights

{{-- Blog Card --}} @forelse($recentNews as $news) {{-- Replace with dynamic cards --}}
Blog Image




{{ $news->title }}

Read More

No featured news:

@endsection {{-- counter function --}}