@extends('frontend.layouts.app') @section('title') Our Services | Brokenshire Medical Center @endsection @section('seo') @endsection @section('content')

Services & Centers

IVF Davao

The center is the First In-Vitro Fertilization Laboratory in Mindanao and offers a wide spectrum of quality medical services and treatment for all age groups.

Among the services offered are:
Embryo Cryopreservation (Freezing)
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Fertility Counseling
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Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
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Sperm Freezing
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Egg Freezing
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Egg harvest (Oocyte Pick-Up)
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Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfer
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Testicular Sperm Extraction /Aspiration
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Assisted Hatching
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Blastocyst Culture
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For more details, you can check:https://ivfdavao.com/