@extends('layouts.sidebar') @section('title', 'Payroll') @section('content') @if (in_array('Payroll Checking', $privileges) || in_array('Payroll Approve', $privileges))
{{ $data->client->department_name }} Summary Payroll report with Batch ID: {{ $batch_id }}
Period Cover: {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($data->pay_period_start)->format('F j, Y') }} to {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($data->pay_period_end)->format('F j, Y') }}
ID | Employee Name | Rate | Earnings | Deductions | netpay | Action |
Total | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Trx ID | Trx Name | Earnings | Deduction |
{{ $earning['id'] }} | {{ $earning['name'] }} | ₱{{ number_format($earning['amount'], 2) }} | |
{{ $earning->trxConstant->group_code_id }} | {{-- Use optional() to avoid errors when trx_code is null --}} {{ optional(App\Models\TrxCode::find($earning->trxConstant->group_code_id))->description }} | @if ($earning->status == 1) ₱{{ number_format($earning->E_Amount, 2) }} @php $totalEarnings += $earning->E_Amount; @endphp @endif | @if ($earning->status == null) ₱{{ number_format($earning->E_Amount, 2) }} @php $totalDeductions += $earning->E_Amount; @endphp @endif |
{{ $deduction->trxLoan->group_code_id }} | {{-- Use optional() to avoid errors when trx_code is null --}} {{ optional(App\Models\TrxCode::find($deduction->trxLoan->group_code_id))->description }} | ₱{{ number_format($deduction->Amount, 2) }} @php $totalDeductions += $deduction->Amount; @endphp | |
Total | ₱{{ number_format($totalEarnings, 2) }} | ₱{{ number_format($totalDeductions, 2) }} |
Prepared By: {{ $prepared->user->name }}
@endif @if ($approved && $approved->user)Approved By: {{ $approved->user->name }}