{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($order->created_at)->format('F j, Y') }}
Purchase #{{ $order->reference }}
--}} {{--Thank you for your purchase!
--}} {{--We're getting your receipt ready. We will notify you when it has been sent.
--}} {{--Quotation #{{ $order->reference }}
Thank you for your inquiry!
We're getting your final quotation ready. We will notify you when it has been sent.
{{ $item }} x {{ $quantities[$index] }}
{{$matchedProduct->brandname}} - {{$matchedProduct->productDesc}}
@if ($matchedProduct->sellPrice) @php $price += $matchedProduct->sellPrice; @endphp ₱{{ number_format($matchedProduct->price, 2) }} ₱{{ number_format($matchedProduct->sellPrice, 2) }} @else ₱{{ number_format($matchedProduct->price, 2) }} @php $price += $matchedProduct->price; @endphp @endif
₱{{ number_format($price * $quantities[$index], 2) }}
Shipping and Handling
₱{{ $order->forqoute }}
Shipping and Handling
₱{{ $order->discounted }}
Payment Method
{{ $order->payment_method }}
₱{{ number_format($order->total_amount, 2) }}
Personal Information
{{ $order->personalFirstname }} {{ $order->personalLastname }}
{{ $order->personalCompanyname }}
{{ $order->personalEmail }}
{{ $order->personalNumber }}
Shipping Information
{{ $order->shipFirstname }} {{ $order->shipLastname }}
{{ $order->shipAddress }}
{{ $order->shipNumber }}
Billing Information
{{ $order->billFirstname }} {{ $order->billLastname }}
{{ $order->billAddress }}
{{ $order->billNumber }}
If you have any questions, reply to this email or contact us at zmc@zenorexmarketing.com